Tips For Covid Cleaning And Disinfecting Public & Private Spaces

Updated on 25-Jul-2024

Get Guidance for cleaning and disinfecting a public spaces, including schools, public libraries, public transit, communal residences facility, or business to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Toronto Canada.

As this pandemic continues, some businesses are reopening. To keep your employees and their families safe, maintaining a clean workspace is critical to fighting the spread of this virus.

Professional cleaning for public and private spaces is a way better option to go with. In Canada, are you looking to start over your work and hire professional cleaners to do the disinfecting?

Ultimate Mold Crew is here to serve your purpose. We provide Coronavirus cleaning services in Toronto, Mississauga & Brampton Canada. Reach us for help and make your work environment safer to work.

Covid Cleaning and disinfecting tips

Cleaning and disinfecting public spaces during COVID-19 –

This Covid-19 pandemic has suppressed the lives of children and their families across the globe. This virus has shaken the backbone of almost all the nations and everybody is trying their best to fight through it.

As the situation is coming under control, many industries and businesses have now been allowed to open. As a start to opening the door and making our way back to normal, we have to keep in mind that the virus is still here.

The most powerful way to fight this virus is to take your vaccination shot ASAP. Other than that the only way earlier time’s normal can be achieved is by maintaining social distancing and disinfecting surfaces like tables, chairs, switches, etc.

See also  How to clean & disinfect your home during pandemic?

RelatedEssential Tips For Disinfecting Your Home During COVID Pandemic

How does this virus spread?

According to facts, the virus that causes Covid-19 spreads through respiratory droplets of the infected person. Transmission may occur directly or when a person comes in contact with a contaminated surface.

There is a lot of information and opinions floating around in the environment. The ways in which this virus spread are way too similar to the flu.

Ways to help your business through Covid-19

Many professions in Canada are allowed to resume back to work. So, maintaining high-cleaning standards in the workplace should be the top notch priority during these times.

  • For you as a business owner, there are several steps available to help stop the spread of this virus. The most effective possible way is to reduce person-to-person contact.
  • The fewer people come in contact, the less is their possibility to catch the virus. But this is not always possible for some businesses.
  • In situations where people are more likely to come in contact with each other, wearing PPE kits is the next preferred option.

The day your work resumes, suitable cleaning and disinfection regimes should be put in place.

COVID 19 Cleaning and prevention guidance

Here are some basic information you should know COVID cleaninf at home and steps to take first in order to maintain the safest and cleanest environment that you can.

Know what you are trying to fight. The Covid-19 virus has the ability to live on surfaces for several days. But cleaning with neutral detergent and disinfectant can easily destroy this virus. Stay alert to use the EPA registered products.

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At your level you should strictly follow appropriate procedures for handwashing, cleaning and disinfecting. Identify what objects need to be cleaned, and what to be disinfected. Clean outside spaces too.

When you are in a public place, do not adjust your mask or eye protection. Avoid touching your face as much as you can. Tie your hairs properly so that you don’t have to fix them every 5 minutes.

Difference between cleaning and disinfecting

Cleaning only means removing dirt and impurities from surfaces. It is not efficient if you are trying to remove covid-19 virus.

And facts prove that it does not particularly kill germs. It only decreases the number of germs from a surface, helping in reducing the risk of infection.

Unlike cleaning. Disinfecting refers to killing germs. This is usually done with chemicals like EPA registered disinfectants. The germs may still stay present but dead.

Cleaning and disinfecting with a suspected/confirmed Covid case

The most important moment of spreading the coronavirus is when you have been visited by someone at home or workplace who is suspected to have the Covid-19 virus.

Taking appropriate steps immediately in cleaning after that visit is so crucial to keep you and your family safe.

These are some actions that you can take in any case to protect yourself.

  • Properly clean and disinfect every area visited by the ill person. Take care of things they may have touched including shared tools or electronic equipment.
  • While you are cleaning a place where there is a risk of contamination, use disposable masks and gloves.
  • Inform everybody about the potential exposure who may have been in contact with the person.
  • For better safety measures, call for expert disinfectant assistance.
See also  Home Disinfection: Prevent Mold, Allergies & Protect Your Family [2025]

RelatedWhy COVID 19 Cleaning Services Are In Huge Demand In Toronto CA?

Need for professional cleaning

To stop the spread of covid-19, keeping the environment thoroughly clean and disinfected is required.

To reduce the risk better is to leave this job to the professionals.

For industries and offices even if we talk about normal times it is difficult to clean thoroughly without any professional help. Commercial cleaning services are important to get rid of this virus completely.

Do not worry as here is the easiest solution to your problem.

The Ultimate Mold Crew(UMC) is here to take a big task off your plate and a heavy weight off your mind. We offer comprehensive levels of cleaning and disinfecting facilities for your homes and workplaces in Toronto,Canada.

We have health grade trained cleaning professionals who are equipped with whole body gears and gloves. Our reliable professionals have the training needed to keep them safe.

Waste disposal

You do not have to wonder if the cleaners are using a PPE kit or if they remember to throw them away after one use. We ensure that the PPE is immediately disposed of after use in a single use bag.

Our team wash hands immediately after removing gloves and apron to ensure your safety.

Stay protected 

To book your disinfecting service, call us or register on our website. We will schedule the clean up for your workplace or home according to your preferred time.

In case of emergency we are available for you. Our professionals handling your cleaning are reliable.